Sunday, April 22, 2012

Mama Come Back!

As my now 2 1/2-year-old son says every time I walk into the room, "Mama come back!"  I've been busy with my BUSY boy, but I'm hoping to post more regularly now.  I would say, "I'm hoping to post more regularly now that he sleeps through the night, but unfortunately he hasn't mastered that yet.  He knows all of his letter sounds, 12 colors,  how to gleefully lock me out of the house, and what types of soda to bring Daddy and his friend from the fridge, but he can't seem to figure out that SLEEPING IS NICE AND MAKES MAMA HAPPY!  It's now 11:14 and he's been asleep for all of 5 min. after having been tucked in just before 10:00.  Ick.

On to more fun news!

The connections Keaton's brain make are so fun to watch!  Last week he was pestering me (for the 10th time) to open the "Nifty Knitter" set that's in my craft room.  I decided to take a few minutes to appease him, so I grabbed a ball of yarn and showed him how to wind a few rows.  He then ran off, so I assumed his attention had waned, but he quickly returned with his own demonstration.  Check out the photos below!