Monday, June 14, 2010

7 Happy Years

Today AG and I celebrated 7 years of marriage with a Chinese food dinner and 2 baby-free hours. As I reflected on our marriage this evening, I decided to jot down 7 tips that have helped us have an incredibly happy marriage thus far. Some of this was advice I was given, some of it I read, and others I have discovered firsthand--all of it I have internalized and benefitted from. I hope they inspire someone else as well!

In no particular order:
  1. Never gripe to anyone about your husband.Don’t “bond” with other women by complaining about him.Complaining behind his back weakens your relationship and abases him in the eyes of others.If he changes something that bothered you, you won’t remember to go back and sing his praises to all the people whined to, so they will continue to have a low opinion of him!THIS INCLUDES YOUR MOTHER.If you have serious problem you can’t resolve on your own, seek wise counsel from a mature, discreet Christian.
  2. Figure out what he wishes you would do with him, and do it, even if you don’t enjoy it very much at first.It may be as simple as dropping whatever you are doing to get a soda at the gas station (ask me how I know!) but it could make his day.
  3. When he’s in a communicative mood, drop what you’re doing and join the conversation, even if it is 3:00 am and the baby will be up at 7:00.You will learn SO much during these times!They don’t happen often, so make the most of them.
  4. Make fewer excuses for skipping s*x.Enough said.
  5. Wear clothes that he likes on you, even if they are lime green and/or “not your style.”
  6. Embrace his “guy time” instead of just tolerating or even resenting it.Be a warm and welcoming hostess to his friends and they will gather at your house and you may even enjoy yourself.
  7. Touch him A LOT.Little, hugs, squeezes, pats, neck scratches, arm brushes, etc. throughout the day mean the world to him.

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